Small scale cooperation in forestry sector (in English)

The project ”Small scale cooperation in forestry sector,” funded by the Erasmus+ program, is a two-year initiative (December 1, 2023 – November 31, 2025) with the aim of developing a virtual learning environment for vocational education in the forestry sector.


The main goals of the project are to create a freely accessible VR (Virtual Reality) learning environment focusing on friction and leverage. The learning environment supports the learning of mathematics needed in the workplace, enhances the expertise of partner organizations in building VR simulations, and promotes an understanding of how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and vocational study modules can be integrated through VR technology. Additionally, the project fosters international collaboration among partner organizations.


Two educational institutions, Häme Vocational Institute Ltd from Finland and Luua Metsanduskool from Estonia, are involved in the project, each bringing their own expertise. Furthermore, the technology company 3DBear Ltd participates in the project, contributing its expertise in the field of virtual reality. 3DBear plays a key role in the technical implementation of the virtual learning environment, and their previous experience in similar projects is valuable for the success of the project.

Target Audience and Benefits

The project’s target groups include students, teachers, project management representatives, and users from the workforce. Students participate in building and testing the virtual learning environment, teachers develop their international and digital skills, and workforce users benefit from the completed virtual learning environment.

The project’s motivation is to enhance digital skills and increase the attractiveness of vocational education by creating a flexible and individualized learning approach that diversifies learning and meets the needs of students and teachers. The project also promotes collaboration between two European educational institutions, contributing to the development of a common European identity.

The benefits of the project include strengthening vocational thinking, exchanging knowledge and expertise, and addressing common challenges through international cooperation.

Project Duration:

1.12.2023 – 31.11. 2025


Luua Metsanduskool 

3DBear Oy 

More information

Ari-Pekka Nieminen

Nieminen Ari-Pekka

lehtori / projektipäällikkö


Mäkinen Terhi

lehtori, opinto-ohjaaja / metsäala


Euroopan unionin osarahoittamaa, Erasmus-hankelogo.