
Cookie Policy

…understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website, which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Google Universal Analytics: Analytics Analytical cookies are used…

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Products of Lepaa Winery

…dry and light fruit wine made of apple juice from Lepaa’s own apple crop. This farm wine is slightly light and is at its best as socializing drink. Serve appr….

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HAALARI – wear work clothes

…in horticulture, forestry, and agriculture. For more information on collaboration opportunities, please contact Project Manager Terhi Kaskioja. Kaskioja Terhi lehtori, projektipäällikkö / metsäala +358505734137 Hattula Sari projektityöntekijä +358504069296…

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HAMI – Häme Vocational Institute

This website is under construction. We apologize for any missing information. Our Finnish-language website is operational at At our institution, you can study: Food Industry Agriculture Forestry Horticulture Become…

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Lepaa winery

and fruit and berry wines), cafeteria and the garden shop. Also wine production education is offered here. The wines and bewerages are named after the history and stories at Lepaa….

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…ruoka-alan pk-yritysten innovaatio-osaamista sekä kestävää liiketoimintaa monipuolistamalla ja lisäämällä yritysten kasvisruokatuotevalikoimaa KULKEVA, 2023–2024 Tavoitteena on mm. edistää työperäistä maahanmuuttoa ja kansainvälisten maahanmuuttajien integroitumista Kanta-Hämeessä OPVA Opiskeluvalmiuksia tukevien opintojen kehittäminen (OKM)…

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