Address: Saarelantie 1, 16970 Evo
The best way to get there is by car. On school days you can also catch a bus from Lammi. You can easily get to Lammi from Lahti, Hämeenlinna and Tampere. More info on the Lammi-Evo connection can be found from the public transport route planner of Hämeenlinna at www.hameenlinna.fi

Address: Lepaantie 129, 14610 Lepaa
- Horticultural production and landscaping
- Apiculture
- Production of alcoholic beverages
- Golf course maintenance and management
- Leadership, entrepreneurship, and management
To Lepaa you can get by bus from Hämeenlinna bus station or Hämeenlinna train station. The campus bus stop is at the roundabout near the Office building (“Toimisto”). More info on bus connections you can find from the public transport route planner of Hämeenlinna at www.hameenlinna.fi

Address: Mustialantie 105, 31310 Mustiala
Mustiala is situated next to highway 10 with express bus stops on both sides of the road by the Mustiala crossroads. The distance from Mustiala to Forssa along the Turku-Hämeenlinna highway is 10 km. To Tammela village it is 1,5 km. In Tammela you can catch a bus to Forssa.
You can find the bus schedule for example at Front page – Matkahuolto .
The nearest train station is in Humppila, about 30 km from Mustiala. You can also catch a bus to Humppila train station from Forssa.
Cars may be parked in areas meant for students only. Any unnecessary use of motor vehicles in the school grounds is forbidden. Use of motor vehicles to move between places within school grounds is forbidden. There is a 30km/h speed limitation in the campus area.

Address: Kankaistenkatu 33 C, 13220 Hämeenlinna
- Dairy production and processing
- Food technology
- Meat processing
The distance from Sairio campus to Hämeenlinna train station is about 2 km and to Hämeenlinna bus station about 2,7 km.
Public transport in Hämeenlinna works well and the nearest bus stop to the campus is on Aulangontie by the Kankaistenkatu crossroads (about 5 min on foot from the school). More info on public transport connections you can find from the public transport route planner of Hämeenlinna at www.hameenlinna.fi

Hämeenlinna, University centre
Driving instructor training
Address: Visamäentie 35 A, 13100 Hämeenlinna
To Hämeenlinna University centre you can easily catch a local traffic bus. More info on public transport connections you can find from the public transport route planner of Hämeenlinna at www.hameenlinna.fi