Beginning your studies

Welcome to study at HAMI! On this page you can find instructions to get you started. If you don’t find an answer to your question, please contact our guidance counselors or your tutor.

Study guidance and services

During your studies you can get guidance and support on questions about finance and certificates by contacting our HAMI student services at . Our guidance counselors will help you with planning your studies and with questions related to completing your studies.


Accommodation is free of charge to our students of initial vocational qualification. Students are accommodated in our furnished dormitory rooms of 1-2 people. Accommodation in the dormitories is safe. The dormitory supervisor is present in the evenings to help and to arrange extracurricular activity. At the beginning of studies students will also find out about the dormitory rules and regulations, which apply to everyone living at the dormitory. The dormitories are not available for accommodation on weekends or holidays.

The dormitory accommodation is primarily for children of compulsory education age (as referenced in the law on compulsory education), for whom daily transportation between home and school isn’t possible, the distance to school is too long, or transportation is otherwise difficult. The need for dormitory accommodation should be justified. The instructions for applying for a place in the dormitories are sent with the acceptance letter.

Meal services

Lunch is free for students of the initial vocational qualification. For other students there is a fee. Students must verify their right to a free lunch by showing their Kela-card. In some of the campus canteens you can also buy coffee, tea and snacks.

Free time

All campuses have organized extra-curricular activities meant for all students. Mentors and dormitory supervisors plan extra-curricular activities together with students. At HAMI we make our best to organize student events where all students of all campuses can meet and get to know each other. Our extra-curricular activities include for example:

  • gym and sports
  • outdoor activities such as fishing, paddling, frisbee-golf, etc.
  • movie or game nights
  • trips to cultural events, malls, other campuses, etc.

Student Union HAMIS

Our student union HAMIS promotes the inclusion and togetherness of the students. The members are chosen from among the students. Students receive a certificate for activity and participation in return.

By participating you have a possibility to

  • develop the school together with our staff
  • plan student hobbies and extra-curricular activities
  • take part in the nationwide activity of student unions
  • improve the visibility and respect for vocational education
  • uphold and improve the representation of students

Do you wish to be included? For more info, contact your teachers or other staff.

User ID

Students will be given their own HAMK user ID. You can activate your user ID after receiving an email message about the activation of the ID and the introduction of two-step authentication. More info can be found at Linkki aukeaa uuteen välilehteen..

Student card

As a HAMI student you can get a free Slice digital student card. The card will work as official proof of your studies at HAMI.

The color of your student card will be either blue (full-time students) or green (part-time students). The blue card gives you access to VR-railways and Matkahuolto benefits as well as to thousands of other Slice-student benefits in Finland.

Ruudunkaappaus HAMI-opiskelijakortti.

If your card is green, it gives you access to all other student benefits except to those of VR-railways and Matkahuolto. The student card is very useful in utilizing student prices in Finland so you should put it to use right at the beginning of your studies.

Ruudunkaappaus HAMI-opiskelijakortti vihreä.

Underage students

Compulsory education

Compulsory education continues until the student turns 18 or completes an upper secondary qualification. All children of compulsory education have an obligation to apply for studies after basic school. The responsibility of completing compulsory education is that of the student as well as the organizer of basic education, guardians, the upper secondary school, and the student’s residential area.

Cooperation with home

We work together with guardians in many ways. At guardian’s events you will get to see the campus and the adults working with the children. You can also take part in the personal competence development plan (PCDP) meeting where we plan the studies. We will also plan any necessary learning support measures for the student.

We use OLLI -student administration system where guardians can follow the progress of studies, verify absent days, request for absent days, and communicate with the teachers.
OLLI can be used on your phone, tablet, or computer. You can log into OLLI after the start of studies.

Welfare and safety

Welfare and safety are important to us. Every student can get support and guidance in their studies and life management.

We strive for inclusion: we encourage our students to participate and influence. Students are in an active role in developing our mutual welfare and comfort.

Every student knows their own situation best. Our staff will help the students get support and guidance with matters such as planning and funding studies, living, and life management.