
Initial vocational qualification in agriculture

Our initial vocational qualifications are designed for those who don’t yet have training or experience in the field. You can apply for initial vocational qualifications through the joint application system.

Agriculture consists of many things and consequently so do the studies. You will be able to specialize in the type of agricultural work that interests you. You will be able to specialize in rural entrepreneurship and farming, agricultural technology, or animal husbandry.

The initial vocational qualification can also provide you training in generational renewal in agriculture.

Further vocational qualification in apiculture

At our Lepaa campus we offer studies in beekeeping. After completing the qualification, you will be able to work as a full-time or part-time apiculturist. The main product of businesses in apiculture is honey but you can also produce beeswax, pollen, propolis and pollination services.

Continuing training in agriculture

Continuing training fits well into working life and is often organized in cooperation with companies. We offer continuing vocational training at our campus in Mustiala. It is possible to also complete only single units.

For more information on the qualifications and application periods contact our school guidance counselors at