We organize a free Basics to be an entrepreneur in Finland – short training. During the training you will learn about entrepreneurship and opportunities for that in Finland.
You will gain an understanding of what is needed when starting a business and where you can find more information about entrepreneurship.
Basics to be an entrepreneur in Finland – short course
Language: Plain Finnish and English
Place: Mustiala campus (Mustialantie 105, TAMMELA)
Time: 28th – 31st of October 2024
Important information about this short course before applying:
- You can apply to this course, if you are pensioner, immigrant or working part time or as a fixed term worker. These are requirements for the courses.
- This course is held in Mustiala campus, Tammela and will be 4 days in a row (total 20 hours). Students gets guiding during these studies. After these courses you have a chance to get a job from a farm or continue studies.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us!
This training is part of Work on a farm -project. Learn more about the project: https://hami.fi/tilalle-toihin-hanke/work-on-a-farm/