Are you interested to work on a Finnish farm? Work on a farm -project is organizing free short courses about agriculture. In this project we offer possibilities to find a job from a farm. In these courses you learn about farm machines and working with farm animals. You can also apply to courses which give you information about field crops and working life skills.
What is entrepreneuship and does it work for me?
NOTE: The application is closed, because the group is now full. Thank you for your interest.
We organize a free Basics to be an entrepreneur in Finland – short training. During the training you will learn about entrepreneurship and opportunities for that in Finland.
Basics to be an entrepreneur in Finland – short course
Language: Plain Finnish and English
Place: Mustiala campus (Mustialantie 105, TAMMELA)
Time: 28th – 31st of October 2024
Important information about this short course before applying:
- You can apply to this course, if you are pensioner, immigrant or working part time or as a fixed term worker. These are requirements for the courses.
- This course is held in Mustiala campus, Tammela and will be 4 days in a row (total 20 hours). Students gets guiding during these studies. After these courses you have a chance to get a job from a farm or continue studies.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us!
- Monday, October 28th, 10 AM – 3 PM:
Orientation, entrepreneur test, business idea and competitive analysis
- Tuesday, October 29th, 10 AM – 3 PM:
Permits and procedures, sales and marketing, networking
- Wednesday, October 30th, 10 AM – 3 PM:
Insurance, pension, taxation, and other important aspects of entrepreneurship
- Thursday, October 31st, 10 AM – 3 PM:
Business plan and profitability calculation
Courses that have ended already
Taking care of farm animals (FULL)
Place: Mustiala campus, TAMMELA
Date: 12th – 15th of March 2024
Farm management and field crops in Finland (FULL)
Place: Mustiala campus, TAMMELA
Date: 9th – 12th of April 2024
Farm machines and equipment (FULL)
Place: Mustiala campus, TAMMELA
Date: 13th – 17th of May 2024
Working in agriculture (FULL)
Place: Online course (self-studying)
Time: 18th of March – 3rd of May 2024
Information about these short courses
You can apply for these courses, if you are pensioner, immigrant or working part time or as a fixed term worker. These are requirements for the courses.
These courses are in Mustiala campus, Mustialantie 105, Tammela.
There is a chance to visit a farm at Mustiala campus before applying for the training. Visits can be done individually or in a group.
Don’t hesitate to contact us! Let’s plan a course made just for you!
More info: